R. L. Davidson
Port Angeles, WA 98362 USA
(360) 457-0855


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Designer Plus

 Drawing Sample Homepage:


Click on an option GIF,  PDF or Photo (gifs are 8 color pictures, pdfs are Acrobat readable files) to see the drawing,  use the browsers back key to return.  The GIFs were made by converting a *.dwg to GIF, the PDFs were made by printing to Acrobat. 

Entertainment Center .............. e-center.gif (22872 bytes)                       PDF                    ecenter.jpg (63810 bytes)

Radius Office..........................  r_office.gif (13321 bytes)                 PDF                    

DeWils Kitchen ...................... dewils.gif (28707 bytes)                  PDF                     

Unfitted Vanity .........................unfitted_van.jpg (32315 bytes)                   

Desk .........................................desk.jpg (32617 bytes)

Drawings based on Designer Plus' Tutorial     tut-per.gif (23248 bytes)

Door Styles        styles1.gif (32521 bytes)

Door Style Overlays                            

Kitchen with angled island        cherry.jpg (34405 bytes)

Kitchen with radius island         kitchen-opt1.jpg (63031 bytes)                                                     

Simple 'U' kitchen ............................. simple-u.gif (16348 bytes)                 PDF

'U' kitchen with tile splash ................. simple-u-w-tile.gif (19095 bytes)                  PDF

Booth ............................................... nook.gif (10029 bytes)                  PDF

Bookcase option .............................. bookcase-opts.gif (22471 bytes)                  PDF

Bookcase ......................................... jones.gif (16833 bytes)                  PDF              jones-closed.jpg (11081 bytes)jones-open.jpg (11050 bytes) 

Hutch Options, 8 variations of a basic hutch  



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