R. L. Davidson
Port Angeles, WA 98362 USA
(360) 457-0855
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Designer Plus download format choices:
Both of these downloads contain the Designer Plus program, one is in exe format and will self install to your hard drive, the other is unpacked format and will need to be installed manually. For either format you will need the manuals DesignCAD and Designer Plus which are included in the zipped download.
Designer_Plus_3.1b_Installer (12m)
For all Windows OS' through XP (32 bit only).
I recommend this package for ease of use and a XP virtual machine on a modern Operating System such as Windows 7-10 or Linux. I use Oracle Virtual Box on Windows 10. Windows 10 will also run the newer DesignCAD 3D Max.
Designer Plus 3.1b unpacked (96m)
For any operating system capable of a running a 16 bit DOS program, including Windows OS' through XP (32 bit only).